It was late Friday afternoon and I was sitting in my workplace thinking about all things I would certainly be correcting the weekend and finishing up some records from the weeks situations when the phone rang. One thing you find out swiftly as a Private Investigator is that you never ever understand just what a telephone call is going to bring to your day. I responded to, and Mrs. Peterson began asking some questions regarding our Firm and my encounter. Satisfied that I was a capable Investigator, Mrs. Peterson began informing me her scenario. Her spouse was acting unusual, and it getting worse and worse. She was rather sure her hubby had actually discovered a girlfriend, and was utilizing excuses related to work for his cover tale. He was working uncommonly late and from time to time he would all of a sudden call and state he had to burn the midnight oil all weekend break, so he would obtain an Accommodation space and remain close to his workplace so he might invest the moment he should obtain his activity completed. Well, Mrs. Peterson didn’t get this tale momentarily, consequently she called Advanced Modern technology Investigations, and given that our Private Investigations are mostly in Greensboro, Peak and Winston Salem, NC, she felt we would be an excellent fit for her circumstance.
Mrs. Peterson had seen an e-mail that was up on her spouses computer system that he overlooked to shut before he really feel asleep enjoying TELEVISION the previous evening, and it provided a Hotels and resort label in Greensboro that he had actually made reservations at. It was fantastic to have this info from the Customer as it would assist with locating him for surveillance. Mrs. Peterson gave me her husbands car description, his common job hrs, and his description which is constantly appealing and sometimes funny. Mr. Peterson was 5’9″ high, brown hair and balding on top, a mustache with facial stubble many of the time, he usually wears denims and a flannel top. She additionally mentioned he is quite forgetful, awkward, and just what sorts of meals he likes just in situation we had to find your man at a nearby bistro. All I could consider was what lucky woman would be meeting up with this lovely man.
So, after all the paper job was finished and a retainer paid, I began preliminary task of looking up addresses, considering satellite views of the monitoring areas, charging up my covert cameras, GPS trackers, and getting all my notes gather together so I can be as ready as possible to capture as much proof as possible. Running behind together with this being a last minute situation, I began dashing up the roadway and observed, I had to stop and fill out my gas tank. Although this would decrease me down, it was required and gave me time to clean the glass of my automobile so I might obtain excellent clear video too. Now back while driving in 5:00 website traffic I combated my method to the suspect area of security at the close-by Hotels and resort in Greensboro. As I arrived and started browsing for the Subject vehicle, I seen my Subject matter has actually not arrived yet, which offered me time to get my barrings of the location and picking a great spot to position to catch as much protection of the Hotels and resort as feasible. The next vital task would be to figure out what Lodging room he would be staying in. I made a pre-text telephone call to the front workdesk and had the ability to obtain the rooom number Mr. Peterson would certainly be staying in. This was going to be excellent, I believed to myself, since now I could obtain covert video cameras set up before he arrived to capture online video if I didn’t have the chance to get close to your man when he arrived.
It was a terrific November evening in Greensboro, NC. At 65 levels and the sun shinning it was a Private Investigator’s ideal weather conditions for surveillance. Not hot and not cold, no having to run the heater or air conditioning, or sweating to death in the back of my vehicle while trying to be as un-noticable as possible. Within an hour, suddenly I seen the white Jeep that Mrs. Peterson had described. By Mrs. Peterson’s description, this was definitely the Spouse she had described to me, except he was all alone. After I got video of his arrival, I quickly scuttled into the Hotel and climbed up a back stairway that would bring me close to the room Mr. Peterson had reserved. As I stood in the hallway close to the elevators, pretending to be on my cell phone, the elevator door opened and there stood Mr. Peterson with a bag from Hooters, and another bag that appeared to be liquor from the ABC store right up the road. I was capturing covert video of Mr. Peterson and what he was carrying as he walked to his Hotel room. Mr. Peterson entered his Hotel room, and soon came out and placed the “Do not Disturb” sign on the door knob. I began thinking this was going to be great, I’ve already gotten set up in the parking lot to capture Mr. Peterson’s arrival, then beat him to his room hallway and captured video of him going into the room with alcohol and placing the “Do not disturb” sign up. Now the wait to see who would join him, and having thoughts as how I would break the news to Mrs. Peterson if a woman showed up to join her Husband that said he would be working all weekend.
Hours went by, and nobody else had come by and entered his room. I made several walk bys of his room, and could hear the TV playing loudly, and could tell he was watching a sports channel. I began giving Mrs. Peterson updates of what I had observed so she could be preparing herself for what we may discover. As Midnight was approaching fast, I called Mrs. Peterson again and began asking more questions about her relationship with her husband. Mrs. Peterson began telling me that she was not surprised of the alcohol her husband brought with him as he was an alcoholic and she had been spending lots of time talking to him about this problem and he would not admit to it, and just wanted to be left alone. Now, the full story was starting to add up, I thought maybe he just wanted a night alone by himself where he could think about his addiction or partake in it without being harassed or questioned about it, but the “Do not Disturb” sign had us puzzled. As we kicked around possibilities, I could hear Mr. Peterson snoring from out in the hallway. Surely, this is not the activity we normally observe when a married man is waiting for his girlfriend to arrive? More hours passed, and yet Mr. Peterson was asleep in his Hotel room snoring away. I checked in with Mrs. Peterson again, and suddenly it came to me I told Mrs. Peterson. Just maybe, in Mr. Peterson’s drunken stooper that as he finished up the last drop of his bottle, low and behold a “Jenie” would appear! Now that explains the “Do not disturb” sign, no man would want to be disturbed, if a “Jenie” popped out of a bottle. Mrs. Peterson began to laugh hysterical, and said, “that is exactly what is going on, and I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.”
We had a lot of laughs with the Client about our findings even though it was a sad discovery of what this man was experiencing with his addiction. Mrs. Peterson assured me she had been dealing with this issue for quite some time, and she was glad it was not another woman causing this strange behavior. Mrs. Peterson called me the next morning and wanted to thank me for making her laugh, as she found her self laughing all night, in which she needed to do so badly. This was a first for me with this outcome, and it reminded me that, things are not always what they may seem!
If you have a need to discover what is really going on, we are here for you at Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC. Our Private Investigators are highly trained in technology as well as good ol gum shoe Investigating. If you need our Private Investigators in Greensboro, High Point, and Winston Salem, NC or throughout NC, we’re just a phone call away at 336-298-1556.