PI Training Courses Greensboro NC
Advanced Technology Investigations, LLC teaches classes involving High Technology services for PI Continuing Education. Our company is an approved continuing education instructor by the NC Private Protective Services Board. Whether you need continuing education credits for license renewal or you just wish to learn about a specific area of Investigations making use of technology, we are here to share our PI training classes and experience with you.
Listed below you will find a list of courses we currently teach at Conferences only at this time. We do not currently offer small group or classes for individuals.
Approved Continuing education classes for North Carolina Private Investigators
Credit Hours: 4
Course: Class (Minimum 5 attendants Each Class).
Open to All
Course Summary: This class will offer the Private Investigator a basic outline of the field of Cellular Forensics. The class will certainly cover “What is Cellular Forensics,” and ways to adhere to lawful standards tested by “NIST” specifications in Taking possession of, and protecting the evidence from the Changing, to the chain of custody so the evidence can be provided in the Law court. This outline will help the Private Investigator decide exactly what his/her role will be in a Cellular Forensics investigation, and help the detective determine if they wish to pursue training to become the Forensic examiner.
Course Schedule: Current class scheduled will be posted by the courses here. If no date is specified, kindly check back regularly for updated scheduling.
Cellular Forensics for the Private detective:
PPSB-11-535 Approved 4-CEU $70.00