There are several TV shows today that portray to uncover wire tapping, placing listening devices in an office, intercepting communication, check ones location by their cell phone, listen through walls, plant devices and listen from miles away. TV also makes it look as though it can be performed on the fly with no planning and preparation at all. In the real world, these task can be accomplished, but not without much reconnaissance, planning, technical ability, and know how.
At Advanced Technology Investigations we get called out to homes, offices, and large corporations to conduct TSCM sweeps to look for attempts to eavesdrop either because of a key employee that has left a company or has been terminated, or a discovery of intellectual property leaking out to others, and many other reasons one may feel the need to gain an edge with someone else’s information. In today’s world, eavesdropping isn’t just performed by placing a listening device in a room or placing a recorder on a phone line. The growing technology capabilities that the average person has access to today can cause a lot of damages to a person or company if used in an illegal ways to spy on a person or company. In years past a TSCM professional wouldn’t think about a computer or a cell phone as a way to bug someone, but with the rise of spyware companies all over the internet it is a common tool used by persons illegally to bug your personal information in order to gain an edge or harm you.
When choosing an Agency to conduct a professional TSCM sweep, be sure you do your due diligence on that company to make sure you know what equipment they will be using, if any of their Agents have backgrounds in electrical systems, telephone systems, and someone who is a certified digital forensics examiner to check cell phones and computers for spyware, keyloggers, remote connections, and hacking intrusions. Leaving out checking of cell phones and computers can leave a possible threat in place after spending a lot of money for this professional service.
If you feel your personal or confidential information has been compromised or you would like a security assesment to help prevent this from happening to you or your company, give us a call and schedule an appointment with one of our TSCM professionals to discuss your needs. Call today at 336-298-1556